Learning is a core element of Takigahara.

Danish philosopher and creator of folk high schools Grundtvig once said, "We learn for life." This philosophy is an inspiration for what we do - we believe that we can learn every day from the earth, local villagers and ancestors, philosophies around the world, and each other.

Guests can play, explore, and learn with us through projects like Takigahara Nature School and Takigahara Craft Tours, as well as our much-loved ishinoko festival that celebrates music and culture.

Working with local villagers, we explore rural life, organic agriculture, sustainable practices, artisan culture, practical skills, and traditional Japanese art history.

What is our ideal village life? How do we create it? By sharing knowledge, wisdom, and skills, we hope to create the kind of community we want to live in.

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Takigahara Craft Tourism is a hands-on cultural experience built in collaboration with the Hokuriku region's artisans for guests to learn and create with us during their stay in Komatsu.

*We will announce the date of the next tour when it’s fixed.

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Takigahara Nature School was created to share the knowledge we have gained from our own sustainable living endeavors, and to build a community where we can learn from each other and reconsider our relationship with nature.

*The program is currently scheduled to be reorganized. Please wait for a while until the program resumes.

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ishinoko festival

In Japan, traditional festivals are known as matsuri. Throughout the year and across the country, different pockets of the nation host matsuri events as diverse as the people who host them.

ishinoko is Takigahara's 'future'-matsuri. ishinoko was created by adults who have grown up as children - they've gathered performers, local and international, to create something that blends the philosophies of the matsuri with something completely new and different.

Hosted at the foot of Mt. Kurakake, in the lush surroundings of Takigahara Farm, this annual festival celebrates good food, local community, inter-cultural connection, and excellent music – from Japanese folk music to house, techno, ambient, and jazz – that'll make your body dance and your heart sing.

The three-day event hosts food stalls, workshops, specialist shops, art installations, and sensory adventures designed to energize and inspire. All soundtracked by an eclectic selection of musicians broadcast through a world-class Funktion One sound system.
