We're a community and accommodation located in Komatsu, Ishikawa, just an hour south of Kanazawa. Surrounded by the lush green mountains of Ishikawa, our farmland backs onto an ancient stone quarry and clear water rivers.

TAKIGAHARA is a facility that includes a cafe, a wine bar, a shared workspace, and accommodations, and we're home to a music festival and nature school. It's a place where people can feel free to learn, play, explore, and connect while surrounded by the untouched beauty of regional Japan.

We use the 'Farm' label literally and in a more abstract sense. While we do grow produce – which you can enjoy at our cafe and restaurant – on our 'farm,' we also grow and cultivate ideas in the hope of harvesting new ways to live in and enjoy the world around us. Working with local villagers, we explore rural life, organic agriculture, sustainable practices, artisan culture, practical skills, and traditional Japanese art history.

Ideally, we'd like TAKIGAHARA to be seen as a retreat from the busyness of city life and a chance for people to connect and fall in love with the charms of countryside Japan.

What is our ideal village life? How do we create it? By sharing knowledge, wisdom, and skills, we hope to create the kind of community we want to live in.


Our Purpose

We run this farm as a place where new experiences and connections can be cultivated.


To be a blueprint for new ways of living across cultures and timelines.


We’re building a space for the community, both local and global.

Guiding Principles

There are many moving parts within TAKIGAHARA, but there are some key guiding principles we follow.

Fostering creativity:

We want to make a space to celebrate all the forms through which people can explore their creativity. From running craft tours to hosting experimental events, creating space for workshops, and offering classes on alternative farming methods, we celebrate the different forms creativity takes.

Community building:

We work to build authentic relationships with the local community through events like ishinoko festival, and we host opportunities – dinners, farmers markets, parties, tours and workshops – to connect with new people and networks.

Encouraging environmental awareness:

How we act in the context of the environment is now more important than it's ever been. Through our Nature School we promote learning about what we can do to better our relationship with nature.

Future farming:

Everything we do is to help build a better future. Sustainable practices, harmony with nature, and a passion for learning are the foundations on which Takigahara Farm runs because, as Grundtvig, the Danish philosopher, and founder of Folk High School (an inspiration for Nature School), said, "we learn for life. This is a key concept in cultural development."

Our Team

Our team is a diverse group of individuals from Japan and abroad, and we are young and old, families, expats, and locals.

Some of us hail from the UK and Denmark, drawn to Japan by a sense of adventure, and we stuck around after falling in love with the area. Others are Tokyo escapees hooked on the simple joys of growing our own food and getting our hands dirty on the farm.

Many more of our core members are born-and-bred Ishikawa folk who know Takigahara's surrounding region better than you know your living room, like Yamashita-san, the master of Kurakake mountain, who you might just meet clearing the mountain's hiking paths while foraging mushrooms along the way.

Our interests vary; we cook good food, host music festivals, and practice Japanese traditional art and modern farming styles, but what unites us is our love for Takigahara and the community it has created.

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